17th/18th January 2024
Another pair of glorius evenings, I attempted imaging with a barlow lens to get pictures of individual features. Unfortunately on the 17th my images were not in focus so all of these are from the 18th when I got the focussing much better.
This one was taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain.
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Shows the region around Treisnecker and Rima Hyginus
This one was taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera with a 2x barlow lens and the 200mm RC Cassegrain.
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Shows a more detailed view of the region around Treisnecker and Rima Hyginus
This one was taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera with a 2x barlow lens and the 200mm RC Cassegrain.
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3. Shows a detailed view of the Theopilus, Cyrillus and Catherina on the western edge of Mare Nectaris
This one was taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera with a 2x barlow lens and the 200mm RC Cassegrain.
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3. Shows a detailed view of the craters Albategnius and Hipparchus
This one was taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera with a 2x barlow lens and the 200mm RC Cassegrain.
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3. Shows a detailed view of the crater Fracastorius at the south end of Mare Nectaris
16th January 2024
This evening I was clouded out very soon after I started so I only got the one image of the crater Fracastorius, which is at the south end of Mare Nectaris.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi
15th January 2024
Another mosaic, this time of a 4 day old moon. Joined by three of the images used to create the mosaic.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain
A mosaic of 8 individual images, mosaiced using Microsoft ICE
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 18:03:08
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing Petavius (top) and Langrenus (right).
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 18:06:06
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing Mare Crisium.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 18:07:14
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing the region North of Mare Crisium.
24th November 2023
All lunar images are going to be saturation enhanced from now on, I just think it looks more interesting.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:10:26
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing Mare Humorum and Gasendi.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:12:01
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing Schickard far left in shadow.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:13:33
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing an area of the southern highlands with Tycho at the top.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:14:53
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing an area of the southern highlands with Tycho to the left.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:17:38
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing an area including Copernicus, Mare Insularum and Sinus Aestuum.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:21:26
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and Topaz DenoiseAi. Showing an area between Copernicus and Gassendi.
This is a mosaic of all of these images processed using Van-Cittert Deconvolution in AstroSurface. Further processing using Photoshop CS3 and denoised with Topaz DenoiseAi.
29th October 2023
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:16:40
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using the Van-Cittert Deconvolution tool in AstroSurface. Further processing and denoising using Photoshop CS3.Showing Mare Crisium.
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:10:41
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using the Van-Cittert Deconvolution tool in AstroSurface. Further processing and denoising using Photoshop CS3.Showing Mare Fecunditatis and craters Langrenus and Petavius (the one with the rille).
This is the same image as the previous one with enhanced saturation to show the colours of the minerals on the lunar surface
Taken with the ZWO ASI224MC camera at prime focus of the 200mm RC Cassegrain at 21:20:39
300 of 1000 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert, processed using the Van-Cittert Deconvolution tool in AstroSurface. Further processing and denoising using Photoshop CS3.Showing Furnerius, Stevinus and Mare Australe.
This is a mosaic of all 3 stacked images processed using the Van-Cittert Deconvolution tool in AstroSurface. Further processing, denoising and saturation enhanced using Photoshop CS3.