The Solar System

Here I'll be putting any new observations of Solar System objects from August 2023 onwards. My older observations can still be accessed via the Archive selection in the menu.

This page has sections for each solar system object arranged in order from the Sun outwards. Newest observations/images will appear at the top of each section of the page.

Clicking on any image will open the full size image in a new tab.

The Sun

25th June, and putting verbose descriptions with each image is getting a bit repetetive, so all the full disk images are taken at prime focus of my 60mm F/4 guidescope with the ZWO ASI224MC camera and all of the individual sunspot images are taken at prime focus of my 200mm F/8 RC Cassegrain with the ZWO ASI224MC camera. Both telescopes are fitted with full aperture white light filters made from Baader Solar film. Processing has got fairly routine as well and for the most part I'm taking videos with 1000 subframes, using the best 500. Stacking and initial processing using AstroSurface. A further bit of sharpening, converting to mono, colourising with Photoshop CS3 and denoising with Topaz Denoise AI.

The Moon

17th/18th January 2024

Another pair of glorius evenings, I attempted imaging with a barlow lens to get pictures of individual features. Unfortunately on the 17th my images were not in focus so all of these are from the 18th when I got the focussing much better.

16th January 2024

This evening I was clouded out very soon after I started so I only got the one image of the crater Fracastorius, which is at the south end of Mare Nectaris.

15th January 2024

Another mosaic, this time of a 4 day old moon. Joined by three of the images used to create the mosaic.

24th November 2023

All lunar images are going to be saturation enhanced from now on, I just think it looks more interesting.

29th October 2023
